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Black & White Coat Horse Kit

  • 90 EUR
  • 72 EUR

Black & White Coat Horse Kit A complete and assembled kit for Black & White Horses & Dogs

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Article Number: 770

Black & White Coat Horse Kit

A complete and assembled kit for Black & White Horses.

Contains: Deep Cleaning Shampoo, Brilliant White Shampoo, Celestial Conditioner, Mix Dilution Bottle 1000ml.

Use the products like this for Black & White Horses:

Deep Cleaning Shampoo, Dilute 1 part product to 32 parts water in your Mix Bottle. Shake well. Wash first with this deep cleansing shampoo formulated to work in depth to remove dirt & odors without damaging & drying out the coat or skin.

Deep Cleaning is your go to shampoo to get the horse clean, if you then want to add an extra effect such as shine or whitening silver shampoo, you wash with them after the horse is clean from the Deep Cleaning shampoo.

The Deep Cleaning shampoo also works as an "opener" for the scales & pores in the fur to enhance the results of the Organic Brightness & Brilliant White Shampoo.

Brilliant White Shampoo - Dilute 1 part product to 32 parts water in the Mix bottle. Shake well. Moisten the coat with lukewarm water. Massage thoroughly with the shampoo for 5-10 minutes & rinse.

Eliminates yellowing stains & leaves a chalky white result from the very first wash. On black furs, silver shampoo eliminates the "grey dusty" look that the fur can often get from the sun etc. and instead creates an intense deep black. For really stubborn discolouration in light tails, apply concentrated product of Brilliant White Shampoo and leave on until the desired effect is achieved.  

Celestial Conditioner - Provides spectacular shine and restores hair's suppleness and strength. Excellent results from the first use. Can be used often.

Gives results you've never achieved before, try it and you'll understand what we mean! This conditioner is absolutely incredible and once you have it you will never want to be without it!

Use it up to 10:1 dilution or as it is on severely matted or damaged coats. Once applied, feel free to let it sit for 5-10 minutes and then rinse well.

TIP! Dilute 20:1 product of Celestial Conditioner in an empty spray bottle and use as a coat shine/examination spray for everyday coat repair, examination and hydration.